Silver Stream 100ml

MRP: 2,601.00 2,000.00

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What is Silver Stream 100ml solution?

Silver Stream is a solution for treating wounds. It contains an iconic antimicrobial form of silver (silver nitrate 0.01%). The solution is available in 100 ml and is meant for use on external parts only. When used properly it heals wounds faster. Silver Nitrate has been used for centuries with newer formulas that can heal wounds and warts more effectively. After applying the solution the silver nitrate solution stops the growth of bacteria on the skin which promotes wound healing much faster. Purchase Silverstream Silver nitrate solution in Delhi, Noida, Gurugram, Ghaziabad, and Faridabad at

Other information

Silverstream 100ml is a powerful antiseptic that prevents infections in wounds and burns. It eliminates the growth of microbes thus it safeguards cuts, and any skin breaks from infections. Also, it reduces burning sensations, irritation, and pain. Promoting faster healing of burns and wounds. For better management of the wound ensure the affected area remains clean and apply the silverstream solution as directed by your doctor.

Use it carefully, as this solution may leave behind stains on your clothes. Always use the new bandages and discard the old ones carefully. Store under 30 Celsius.

Buy Silver Stream 100ml in Delhi, Gurugram, Noida, Faridabad, and Ghaziabad for We also deliver in Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Bangalore, and Jaipur.

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