IVFInjection.in 2023-2025. Medicines are dispensed in accordance and compliance with Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945, we do not process requests for Schedule X and other habit forming drugs
Menopur 75
Out of stock
Minimum – 5 injections
Price for 5 injections = Rs.7500/-
What is Menopur 75?
MENOPUR 75 IU Injection belongs to the category of Menotrophin. Menotropin is the combination of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). FSH and LH are important in the development of follicles(eggs) that are produced by the ovaries in women.
MENOPUR 75IU INJECTION help to release a sufficient amount of sex hormones (Estrogen and Progesterone in females and Testosterone in males) to maintain normal reproductive functions in your body.
Other information
MENOPUR 75 IU IS Human menopausal gonadotropin, obtained from the urine of women who have achieved menopause. It is used to treat male and female infertility. It is also used in combination with other hormonal medicines for in vitro fertilization and assisted reproduction procedures.
The injection takes in the observation & guidance of doctors. And before starting the procedure discussed with a doctor if you have any allergy-related issues from any other medicines & if you are taking any medicines for any other illness.
There are some common side effects in the body like Enlargement of breasts, Itching & redness in the injectable area, headache, Unexpected vaginal bleeding, nausea, vomiting, Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, Unusual tiredness, and weakness Abdominal pain & cramp. Males might notice acne, sweating, and a deepening of the voice.
Buy Menopur 75 A valid prescription is required to purchase (delivery only on prescription realization)
Contact No: 8882042434
For free delivery, the minimum order value should be Rs. 3000. Coldchain assured.