IVFInjection.in 2023-2025. Medicines are dispensed in accordance and compliance with Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945, we do not process requests for Schedule X and other habit forming drugs
Folisurge 225
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What is Folisurge 225?
Folisurge 225 iu pfs injection is used for the treatment of male & female infertility. Folisurge 225 iu injection helps naturally release an egg in a woman’s ovary(female reproductive organ) and stimulates the release of a healthy and matured egg. For increasing the chance of successful pregnancy. Folisurge 225 iu pfs injection is used in males for improved sperm production. Folisurge 225 is a highly used injection in the IVF procedure.
It can improve fertility and helps to treat hypogonadism in males. Folisurge 225 iu injection into the body under the observation & guidance of a doctor.
Other information
So, before starting the treatment tell the doctor if you earlier any diseases & you are already taking any medicines. and if you have allergy-related issues from any medicines.
Some side effects from Folisurge 225 iu injection like bloating, swelling, ovary cyst, nausea, vomiting, rashes, itching breast tenderness & pain.
Buy Folisurge 225 IU in Delhi and NCR at IVFInjections.in at Rs.3995/-
Contact No: 8882042434
For free delivery, the minimum order value should be Rs. 4500. Coldchain assured.