Anti D 150 Injection

MRP: 3,217.00 2,590.00
Assured Cold chain
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Manufacturer: Bharat Serums
Prescription Required

What is Anti D 150 injection?

Anti-D 150 mcg Injection Contains Monoclonal Anti-D (Rho) immunoglobulin 150 mcg.The injection is helping to restrict infections. It restricts antibodies from forming after a person with Rh-negative blood receives a transfusion with Rh-positive blood, or during pregnancy when a mother has Rh-negative blood and the baby is Rh-positive for successful childbirth. Also used at the time of abortion or any complication and accident during pregnancy which is the big reason for bleeding across the placenta  This Injection is given for Rh prophylaxis in pregnancy-related complications.

Anti d 150 injection is priced at Rs.2590

Use of Anti D 150 injection in pregnancy?

It is prescribed by a doctor during the third trimester of your pregnancy if your blood type is RhD negative. Because at this time small amounts of blood from your baby will pass into your blood. It is to be injected only under the observation of your doctor.

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This injection is normally given in the arm or leg muscles within 28 weeks of pregnancy and within 72 hours of birth if your baby is Rh D positive. Before taking this injection inform if you have any allergy-related issues and high blood pressure because in some rare cases, this injection can cause an allergic reaction in the mother. After the reaction, the mother suffered from fever and headache.

There are some side effects of injection, headache, fever pain, swelling & redness in the injectable area, and feeling discomfort.

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